Total Spots: 43 | Active Spots in May: 28
Let’s go kitesurfing!
Kite trip details
Find the trip with the best wind for this weekend
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How it works

Choose time
Select the month and the duration of the trip.
Select the month and the duration of the trip.
Browse proposals
We will scan airplane tickets and the hotel availability to all the active spots in the selected month. Engine will suggest you the optimal flights and the hotels located next the spot.
We will scan airplane tickets and the hotel availability to all the active spots in the selected month. Engine will suggest you the optimal flights and the hotels located next the spot.
Book a trip
After you select the spot there will be links to book the flight with For the wind statistics we use
After you select the spot there will be links to book the flight with For the wind statistics we use
Why do I kitesurf
Why do I kitesurf
Vladimir Demishev
Founder of Kite-travel. Kiting since 2009
Probably the best way to start this blog post is to answer the question:Why do I kitesurf?This sport can be looked at from lots of angles, including w...
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June 20, 2021
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views 894